Nomination Committee

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The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Byggmax Group AB tasked the Chairman of the Board of Directors to, annually and not later than the end of the third quarter every year, convene the three largest shareholders in the company, as registered at August 31 according to Euroclear Sweden AB, which are then each entitled to appoint one member of the Nomination Committee. In addition to the above, the Chairman of the Board is also a member of the Nomination Committee. The mandate period of the Nomination Committee extends until such time as a new Nomination Committee has been appointed.

The Nomination Committee is comprised as follows:

Hans Christian Bratterud from Verdipapirfonde Odin Sverige

Anders Algotsson from Afa Försäkring

Anders Moberg, Chairman of Byggmax Group AB (publ)

The Nomination Committee prepares and submits proposals to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in respect of:

• the election of the Chairman of the AGM,

• the number of Board members,

• the election of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and other Board members on the company’s Board Directors,

• directors’ fees specified between the Chairman of the Board of Directors and other Board members,

• the election of and approval of fees to the auditor and deputy auditor (where applicable), and

• resolutions on principles regulating the appointment of the Nomination Committee.

The 2021 Annual General Meeting for Byggmax will be held on May 6, 2021 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Shareholders who would like to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are welcome to do so by e-mail to: Proposals must be submitted in good time prior to the AGM to allow the Nomination Committee to take these proposals into consideration.

Stockholm October 22, 2020

Byggmax Group AB (publ)

Helena Nathhorst, CFO
Phone: 076-119 00 40


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