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Agreements of strategic importance signed between C-RAD AB and IBA Dosimetry

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Pressrelease 2010-01-18


C-RAD AB with its three fully owned subsidiaries are all active in the field of
radiation therapy. The C-RAD group and IBA Dosimetry have signed agreements
regarding manufacturing, technical cooperation and sales. 

The subsidiary C-RAD Imaging AB will from 1 January 2010 be responsible for the
manufacturing and the further development of the IBA diode detector program.
The activities will be located in Uppsala. As a result the Uppsala operation
will be moved to larger premises. Deliveries to IBA in 2010 have been
negotiated and agreed upon. The agreement is in the field of diode detectors
mutually exclusive. 

C-RAD AB will from 1 January 2010 be responsible for sales and service of the
IBA Dosimetry program in Scandinavia except for Norway. The IBA Dosimetry
products are today being used at most radiation therapy clinics in Scandinavia
.These activities will be handled by the  same staff today selling and doing
service for the C-RAD Sentinel system in the Scandinavian countries. 

To take care of these activities three persons have been added to the group.


Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB:

"We are thrilled to have signed these agreements with the IBA group. The
cooperation will bring synergies to the present C-RAD activities in
development, manufacturing and sales. The partnership with IBA is of strategic


Christian Kling, VP Logistics & Production, IBA Dosimetry:

“With this cooperation IBA Dosimetry is consequently following its strategic
approach and is strengthening its presence on the Scandinavian Market. We are
looking forward to a successful and fruitful cooperation with C-RAD.” 


For further information: 

Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Telefon 018 - 66 69 31, E-post erik.hedlund@c-rad.se





IBA develops and markets leading edge technologies, pharmaceuticals and
healthcare with a focus on cancer diagnosis and therapy. Leveraging on also
active in the field of industrial sterilization and ionization. Listed on the
pan-European stock exchange Euronext, IBA is included in the IBAB.BR and
Bloomberg IBAB.BB. 

Website: http://www.iba-worldwide.com

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