C-RAD AB (publ), Interim report 1 January- 30 June 2009

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Key events during first quarter                                                 
- Direct sales to larger hospitals in Scandinavia 
- 6 Sentinel systems has been ordered by the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, 
- IBA Dosimetry has ordered 1400 diode detectors to a value of 4,3 MSEK 
- The new share issue was oversubscribed by 35 % 
- Since March 2010 the C-RAD B-share is listed at NASDAQ OMX First North
- A C-RAD sales manager has been appointed for the important US market 
- New distributors in China and India 
- Clinical reports from reference sites in Italy and Sweden 
- Bookings of 8.2 MSEK (2,3) 
- Net sales 4 620 kSEK ( 1 735) 
- Profit after tax of - 5 909 kSEK (-5 472 kSEK) 
- Earnings per share after tax of - 0,46 SEK (- 0,56 SEK) 
- Operating profit of -5 139 kSEK (-5 283 kSEK) 
- Equity ratio of 77 % (76 %) 
- Cash of 24 324 kSEK (5 307 kSEK) 
- Numbers of employees were 18 (18). 

Key events after the close of the reporting period
- Presentation of a new detector system and new functionality at AAPM physics 
  meeting in the US 
- GEMini ED has by a partner been tested with high dose 
- Order of 2 Sentinel systems for a larger radiation therapy clinic in the US 

Comments by Erik Hedlund, president of C-RAD AB.

“The major part of orders in radiation therapy is usually being booked during   
the second half of the year. To our great satisfaction orders of 8.2 MSEK has   
during first 6 months already been booked to compare with 2,3 MSEK for the same 
period 2009. Cooperation with Elekta and IBA are developing strongly.
C-RAD has now sales managers employed in Scandinavia and in the US. Investments 
in direct sales will continue.”                                                 

C-RAD AB (publ)                                                                 
Bredgränd 14                                                                    
753 20 Uppsala                                                                  
Telephone 018 - 66 69 30                                                        
Homepage:  www.c-rad.se                                                         
Corp Id number: 556663-9174