C-RAD Positioning AB involverat i tvist vid Stockholms tingsrätt

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Den 28 november 2014 initierade Beamocular AB (”Beamocular”) en talan om bättre rätt till patentansökningar vid Stockholms tingsrätt med C-RAD Positioning AB som svarande. Beamocular har yrkat att tingsrätten fastställer att Beamocular har bättre rätt till de internationella, amerikanska och EP-patentansökningarna avseende ”Patient Monitoring Radiation Machines”.

I sitt käromål har Beamocular även indikerat att det skulle kunna finnas krav avseende uppfinningen ”Object Positioning with visual feedback” samt uppfinningen ”X-Ray Detector”.

C-RADs tidigare VD Erik Hedlund är styrelseordförande i Beamocular och Bolagets tidigare systemutvecklare Kristofer Maad är VD i Beamocular.

C-RAD Positioning AB fick kännedom om Beamoculars talan den 12 december 2014 och kommer att bestrida käromålet. De närmare grunderna för bestridandet kommer att utvecklas närmare under december 2014 och januari 2015.


For further information:

Tim Thurn, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone +46-18-666947, E-mail investors@c-rad.com

The above information is price sensitive and must therefore be disclosed under the Securities Market Act (2077:528).

About C-RAD

C-RAD develops new and innovative solutions for the use in advanced radiation therapy. The company group of C-RAD offers products and solutions for patient positioning, tumor localization and radiation treatment systems. End users are radiation therapy clinics worldwide. All product development is conducted in three fully owned subsidiaries; C-RAD Positioning AB, C-RAD Imaging AB and C-RAD Innovation AB. C-RAD Imaging AB is located in Östersund while the other companies are located in Uppsala. Numbers of employees are currently 28 people. The activities in C-RAD AB originate from research and development at the Karolinska Institutet in Solna. Sales of the company’s first product, the C-RAD SentinelTM, started in 2007. Cooperation agreements have been signed with the Swedish company Elekta, the US company Varian  and the Belgian company IBA. C-RAD is represented by distributors specialized in radiation therapy on major markets. C-RAD has founded three companies for direct sales, C-RAD Incorporated in the US, C-RAD GmbH in Germany and C-RAD WOFE in China. C-RAD has invested in 29 % of the laser company Cyrpa and with an option to acquire the remaining 71 %. C-RAD AB is since March 2010 listed at Nasdaq First North Premier. Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag is appointed as C-RAD’s Certified Adviser.


For more information on C-RAD, please visit www.c-rad.com.