Frame order from IBA Dosimetry

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Press release 2011-01-10

IBA Dosimetry in Germany has placed a frame order for deliveries in 2011 of diode detectors


C-RAD AB with its four fully owned subsidiaries are all active in the field of radiation therapy. C-RAD and IBA Dosimetry have negotiated and agreed upon deliveries in 2011 of diode detectors for use in dosimetry at the radiation therapy clinics. IBA has placed a frame order of 4,8 MSEK.

IBA Dosimetry is a world market leader of dosimetry products and systems for use in diagnostics and radiation therapy. The subsidiary C-RAD Imaging AB is since 1 January 2010 responsible for the manufacturing and the further development of the IBA diode detector program. In spring 2010 these activities were moved to the C-RAD headquarter. More than 1 400 detectors has been produced and delivered. C-RAD has been successful in fulfilling the high quality requirements of IBA. For 2011 conditions and volumes for deliveries of diode detectors has been negotiated and agreed upon. A frame order of 4,8 MSEK has been placed. Compared to last year deliveries will increase with +12%. In order to meet the requirements one more person will be added to the group.


Erik Hedlund, CEO of C-RAD AB:

“ 2010 has for C-RAD Imaging been a challenging year. C-RAD imaging did an excellent job in integrating the laboratories and the production facilities of the diode detectors with our company and at the same time maintaining the high quality demands and tight delivery schedules of IBA.

We are grateful for the confidence shown by IBA with the new and larger frame order.”


For further information:

Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Telefon 018 - 66 69 31, E-post


 About C-RAD AB

C-RAD develops new and innovative solutions for the use in advanced radiation therapy. The company group of C-RAD offers products and solutions for patient positioning, tumor localization and radiation treatment systems. End users are radiation therapy clinics worldwide. All product development is conducted in four fully owned subsidiaries; C-RAD Positioning AB, C-RAD Imaging AB, C-RAD Innovation AB and C-RAD Incorporated. The headquarter of the group is located in Uppsala, Sweden. Number of employees are currently 20 people. The activities at C-RAD AB originates from research and development at the Karolinska Institutet in Solna. Sales of the company’s first product, the C-RAD SentinelTM, started in 2007. Cooperation agreements have been signed with the Swedish company Elekta and the Belgian company IBA. C-RAD is represented by distributors specialized in radiation therapy on major markets. C-RAD AB is listed at Nasdaq Omx First North Premier.