The first version of C-RAD GEMini ready for the market

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C-RAD AB with its three fully owned subsidiaries is active in the field of
radiation therapy. The first version of the unique image detector GEMini ED has
been released. Technical specifications have been achieved. Evaluation programs
with potential customers are starting up. 

The C-RAD GEMini system is based on technology originally developed at CERN in
Switzerland. The technology has been further developed by Professor Anders
Brahme and his group at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm for use in the
medical field. C-RAD is, in order to protect the technology, holding three

C-RAD Imaging responsible for the development and manufacturing of GEMini is
located at Frösön outside of Östersund in Northern Sweden. After five years of
hard and innovative work, objectives have been achieved. The C-RAD Imaging
group is today in the front regarding image detector technology based on so
called Gas Electron Multipliers and has acquired unique competences for use in
radiation therapy and diagnostics. 

The first detector, the so called GEMini ED, is especially designed for use in
radiation therapy with high energies. The GEMini ED has a size of 40 cm x 40 cm
with almost 1 000 000 detector elements. The GEM technology offers unique
features such as high contrast, fast read out, radiation resistant design and a
wide range of energies. 

Please go to for the latest information regarding image quality.

Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB:

"Five years of hard work has come to a success. The C-RAD Imaging group had to
pass many obstacles during the project. With great creativity they could be
solved. The first version, GEMini ED is now ready to be launched. We are now
excited to see the first results with partners end users.” 

For further information: 

Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Telefon 018 - 66 69 31, E-post

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