WeSpot signs a commercial Agreement with Optex, Asia#s biggest door sensor manufacturer.

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WeSpot signs a commercial Agreement with Optex, Asia's biggest door sensor manufacturer. The WeSpot revolutionary sensor technology for automatic doors is now also being adopted by the Japanese company Optex Co Ltd., which is the biggest manufacturer of automatic door sensors in Asia. Optex has a market share of 30%, and over 50% of the Japanese market. "The agreement with Optex gives WeSpot excellent market penetration opportunities especially in Japan, which is the largest market in the world for door automation.", says Lars Holmqvist; CEO of WeSpot. "Optex is a perfect partner with a long experience and high professionalism in sensor development and requirements combined with a very strong world wide distribution network." The WeSpot Smart Door Opener represents the next generation of door sensor technology based on a vision sensor and an ASIC-processor with built in image processing and decision-making. More precise opening, closing and safety functionality is all in the same device - eliminating the need for multiple sensors. Increased safety, energy savings and easy installation are some of the additional benefits with the new WeSpot technology. Hiroshi Nakagawa, Executive Officer of Optex Entrance System Division says: "The WeSpot Smart Door Opener fits very well with our strategy of developing more intelligent door sensors with added functionalities. We strongly believe that the WeSpot Smart Door Opener will have a significant impact on door automation and give our customers several value-added features." The WeSpot Smart Door Opener is planned for launch within the next 12 months. WeSpot is a technology company which core business is intelligent image processing applications software based on company group ASIC-technology. Applications include the Smart Door Opener, NurseSensor, Intelligent Intrusion Sensor, face recognition for access control as well as military defence surveillance applications. Optex is a leading sensor technology company with four main areas; Automatic Doors, Security, Factory Automation and Environmental sensors. For further information, please contact: Lars Holmqvist, CEO of WeSpot AB. Tel. +46 (0)733-45 14 51 Pontus Nobréus, Area Manager at WeSpot AB. Tel. +46 (0)733-45 14 13 www.wespot.com Noritsugo Ueda, International Sales Manager of Optex Co Ltd. Tel. +81 77 524 1900 www.optex.co.jp WeSpot AB's business concept comprises smart cameras and sensors with built in processing power. The aim is to be the leading player within the field of smart cameras and sensors for a variety of applications. WeSpot AB was founded in 1999 and has about 30 employees in the office at the Ideon Research Park in Lund. The company is a subsidiary of C Technologies AB, with mainly Malmöhus Invest AB, SEB Företagsinvest, CR&T Ventures, Bure Equity, Industrifonden (Swedish Industrial Fund) and employees as minority owners. C Technologies AB (publ) is a Swedish, high tech company offering unique solutions for transmission of handwritten text from paper to digital media, scanning of printed text and intelligent camera surveillance. The basic philosophy is to adapt products and services to suit man's intuitive behavioural pattern. All the products and services are based on digital camera technology and image processing in real time. C Technologies Group presently has three trademarks: Anoto - a comprehensive paper, pen and server technology solution making it possible for the first time to connect all paper products with the endless possibilities offered by the digital world, C-Pen - a scanning pen that can store, translate and send printed text, and WeSpot - a hardware and firmware platform enabling intelligent camera surveillance. C Technologies Group today has approx. 300 employees and headquarters located in Lund, Stockholm, Boston, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Major owners are the founder Christer Fåhraeus, Capital Group and Ericsson. C Technologies' share is listed under the O-list on OM Stockholm Exchange (Attract 40). For more information: www.ctechnologies.se Optex Co. Ltd. was founded in 1979 and is one of the world's leading companies in the development, design, manufacturing and sales of IR- based sensor technology systems. The Company with headquarter in the city of Otsu in Japan has about 250 employees with four main market areas: Security Sensors, Door Sensors, Factory Automation Sensors and Environmental sensors. Optex´s products are represented in over 50 countries world wide. For more information, visit our web site: www.optex.co.jp ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/04/04/20020404BIT00290/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2002/04/04/20020404BIT00290/wkr0002.pdf