Interim Report Cabonline april – june 2018
Publishing date: august 24, 2018 Regulatory
A press release concerning the company’s interim report was distributed on August 23, 2018. No changes to the information in the interim report have been made. However, the interim report was not shared with the press release. The press release has been supplemented as follows:
- The interim report is enclosed.
- The interim report contains information that Cabonline Group Holding AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Market Act (2007:528).
- This information concerns preparations for a possible future change of the company’s ownership structure.
- This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of Peter Viinapuu, at 13:00 CET on August 24, 2018.
Second quarter april-june 2018 in brief:
- Net sales amounted to SEK 1,616 million (1,520)
- Operating profit amounted to SEK 11 million (10)
- Profit before tax amounted to SEK -11 million (-52)
- EBITDA before items affecting comparability amounted to SEK 94 million (72)
- EBITDA amounted to SEK 69 million (58)
- Cash flow for the period amounted to SEK -32 million (24)
“Cabonline continued to improve profits in the second quarter. The increase is largely explained by acquisitions during 2017 and reduced costs in Sweden, both in our taxi operation and support functions,” says Peter Viinapuu, CEO.
För ytterligare information, kontakta:
Peter Viinapuu
VD Cabonline
Cabonline Group is a leading technology and service provider for the taxi industry in the Nordics. In Sweden, Finland and Norway, around 2 700 transporters are connected with approximately 6 000 vehicles under different brands, including TaxiKurir, Sverigetaxi (former Taxi 020), TOPCAB, Taxi Skåne, NorgesTaxi, Kovanen and FixuTaxi. Through Cabonline Group, the transporters get attractive customer agreements, industry-leading technology as well as access to large scale advantages and infrastructure. Cabonline Group has a turnover of approximately 5.7 billion SEK and performs over 50,000 journeys every day.