Press release from the annual general meeting in Cabonline Group Holding AB (publ) on 7 May 2021

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Adoption of the accounts and discharge from liability
The meeting adopted the balance sheets and income statements for the parent company and the group, and the meeting discharged the directors of the board and the managing directors from liability for the financial year 2020.

Appropriation of result
The meeting resolved not to declare any dividend for the financial year 2020 and that the result should be carried forward.

The board of directors and fees
The meeting resolved to re-elect James Mitchell, Anna Söderblom and John Harper as board members for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting and that no deputy directors shall be elected. The meeting also resolved to re-elect James Mitchell as chair of the board. Furthermore, the meeting resolved that the chair of the board and the director John Harper shall not receive any remuneration and that the other director elected by the annual general meeting shall be paid a fee of SEK 333,000 (2020: 233 000). It was further resolved that no remuneration shall be paid for any committee work.

It was resolved to elect Ernst & Young AB as auditor for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting. Ernst & Young AB has notified the Company that the authorised public accountant Andreas Nyberg will continue as auditor-in-charge.

Abolition of the Nomination committee
It was resolved to abolish the instructions for the Cabonline nomination committee adopted by the annual general meeting as of 2019 and that the company shall not have a nomination committee.

Statutory meeting
At a statutory meeting held in connection with the annual general meeting it was resolved that the company shall not have any specific audit or renumeration committees and that its respective tasks instead shall be carried out by the board of directors.For further information, please contact:
Cabonline press service, +46 70 456 58 07,


About Cabonline

Cabonline is the leading taxi company in the Nordic region with 2,500 connected transporters and approximately 4,400 vehicles in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Cabonline contains a series of well-known brands, such as Flygtaxi, TaxiKurir, Norgestaxi, TOPCAB, Kovanen, Taxi Skåne, Taxi Väst, Umeå Taxi, Sverigetaxi and Taxi 4x27. Through Cabonline, transporters have access to attractive customer agreements, support from industry- leading technological development and utilization of economies of scale, efficient service and a shared infrastructure. The Group revenue 2020 was approximately 4.2 billion. For further information:

