Train passengers encouraged to show railway stations some love to win £100 rail voucher

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For immediate release: 07 June 2023

Rail passengers are being encouraged to show their local railway station some love during Better Transport Week - a national week-long celebration of sustainable transport organised by Campaign for Better Transport – for a chance to win a £100 rail voucher.

In partnership with Community Rail Network, which supports those working and volunteering in community rail, Campaign for Better Transport is asking rail passengers to share what they love about their railway station by sending a comment, photo, artwork or even a poem about what makes their station great. The winning entry will receive a £100 voucher to use on Britain’s national rail network.

The competition is part of Better Transport Week which aims to promote the wide range of benefits of public transport, shared mobility, walking and cycling and encourage more people to travel sustainably. The week runs from 12 to 18 June.

Paul Tuohy, CEO of Campaign for Better Transport said: “We’re kicking off Better Transport Week with a day dedicated to celebrating the benefits of train travel. Rail is one of the greenest ways to get around and station adoption groups work hard to make our railway stations pleasant and attractive. My own local station is a welcoming place, grabbing a coffee and having a chat at the ticket office before catching my train can really brighten up my commute. Show your station some love during Better Transport Week.”

Over 1,200 rail stations across Britain are supported by volunteer-run station adoption groups. Volunteers work hard to make stations inclusive, vibrant and welcoming places, adding value to their communities with gardens, local art projects and workshops.

Jools Townsend, chief executive of Community Rail Network, an official Better Transport Week partner, said: “We’re proud to be a partner of Better Transport Week, raising awareness about sustainable travel and highlighting the benefits of rail. Across Britain, 75 community rail partnerships and 1,200 station friends groups engage local people and partners, giving communities a voice on transport and putting railways and stations at the heart of community life. We want to use this week to share their inspiration, showing that rail and public transport are a big part of the way forward, for green, healthy, thriving communities.”

For more information on the Love Your Station competition and how to enter, see the Better Transport Week website at:


For further information please contact the press office on 07984 773 468 (calls only no texts) or

Notes to Editors

To enter the Love Your Station competition, submit a comment, a photo, an artwork or a poem via the website. To enter, you must have a UK postal address, be aged 18 years or over and the railway station must be in Great Britain. The closing date for entries is 23:59 on 18 June 2023. The winner will be chosen by a panel made up of staff from Campaign for Better Transport and Community Rail Network. The panel will choose the most appealing entry that – in their opinion – best communicates something positive about a station. For full terms and conditions see:

Better Transport Week runs from Monday 12 to Sunday 18 June and aims to promote public transport, shared mobility and active travel to mark the transport charity’s 50th year of campaigning.

•Monday 12 June - Rail Day. Celebrating rail as one of the greenest ways to travel, vital to the economy and key to reducing carbon emissions and traffic on our roads.

•Tuesday 13 June – Bus and Coach Day. Celebrating our most used form of public transport with the public encouraged to thank their driver and share why buses and coaches are important to them.

•Wednesday 14 June - Local Transport Day. Celebrating the transport we use day in day out.

•Thursday 15 June – Health Day. Highlighting the health impacts of transport on National Clean Air Day.

•Friday 16 June - Business Day. Focussing on how businesses can reduce their transport emissions and encourage their employees to travel to work more sustainably.

•Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June. Rounding off the week with two days of promotions that aim to celebrate public transport, walking and cycling.

For more information visit:

Read the full list of Better Transport Week partners here.


For further information please contact the press office on 07984 773 468 (calls only no texts) or

Campaign for Better Transport was founded as Transport 2000 on 6 February 1973. 2023 marks its 50th year of campaigning for all communities to have access to high quality, sustainable transport that meets their needs, improves quality of life and protects the environment. Campaign for Better Transport Charitable Trust is a registered charity (1101929) which operates in England and Wales.


Quick facts

Rail passengers are being encouraged to show their local railway station some love during Better Transport Week - a national week-long celebration of sustainable transport organised by Campaign for Better Transport – for a chance to win a £100 rail voucher.
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We’re kicking off Better Transport Week with a day dedicated to celebrating the benefits of train travel. Rail is one of the greenest ways to get around and station adoption groups work hard to make our railway stations pleasant and attractive. My own local station is a welcoming place, grabbing a coffee and having a chat at the ticket office before catching my train can really brighten up my commute. Show your station some love during Better Transport Week.
Paul Tuohy, CEO of Campaign for Better Transport