Canadian Diabetes Association Announces Proud Supporters

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Vancouver, BC (Aug. 8, 2011) The Canadian Diabetes Association , Pacific Area is pleased to announce proud supporters of the Association.

Sirona Biochem Corp

Silver Hills Bakery

“Proud Supporters enable us to continue to provide valuable diabetes education and services in communities across Canada.  We sincerely thank Sirona Biochem and Silver Hills Bakery for supporting us in the fight against diabetes,” saidConnie Abram , Executive Director for Western Canada and Territories. Silver Hills Bakery has been a proud supporter for the Association for two years.

The presence of a Canadian Diabetes Association Proud Supporter mark indicates that a corporation is an active supporter of the Association’s mission to lead the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while working to find a cure.

For more information about the Canadian Diabetes Association’s Proud Supporter program,  please contact: Charlotte Lawson Learn more about the special offers and promotions provided by our Proud Supporters.

About the Canadian Diabetes Association

Across the country, the Canadian Diabetes Association is leading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives while we work to find a cure.  Our community-based network of supporters help us provide education and services to people living with diabetes, advocate for our cause, break ground towards a cure and translate research into practical applications.  Please visit, join us on, follow us on Twitter @DiabetesAssoc, or call 1-800-BANTING (226-8464).

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact:
Regina Nebrida
Marketing & Communications Associate, Pacific
Canadian Diabetes Association
Tel: (604) 732-1331 ext. 241

