Annual General Meeting in Cantargia AB (publ)

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Cantargia’s Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2020 resolved in accordance with the following:

  • That no dividend would be paid.
  • To discharge the board members and the managing director from liability with respect to their management of the company for 2019.
  • To re-elect the Board members Claus Asbjørn Andersson, Patricia Delaite, Thoas Fioretos, Karin Leandersson, Anders Martin-Löf and Magnus Persson and to re-elect Magnus Persson as the Chairman of the Board.
  • To re-elect Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor.
  • To adopt principles for the nomination committee, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal.
  • To approve the proposal for guidelines for remuneration to the senior executives.
  • To adopt a long-term variable share-based incentive scheme for senior executives and key personnel within the company under which the participants commit to use distributed variable cash remuneration to acquire shares in the company on the stock market.
  • To implement a long-term employee option program of not more than 1,900,000 employee options, where each employee option confers the holder a right to subscribe for one new share in the company against cash consideration at a strike price corresponding to 150 percent of the volume weighted average price of the company’s share during the ten trading days preceding allotment. Since the majority requirement for the issue and transfer of warrants as hedge of the employee option program was not met, the general meeting instead resolved to hedge the program by the company entering an equity swap agreement with a third party.
  • To authorize the Board to, with or without pre-emptive rights for shareholders, resolve on the issue of new shares, however not more than 10 per cent of the number of outstanding shares in the company as per the day of the annual general meeting.

A presentation from the company’s CEO is available at the company website,

For further information, please contact
Göran Forsberg, CEO
Telephone: +46 (0)46-275 62 60

About Cantargia
Cantargia AB (publ), reg. no. 556791-6019, is a biotechnology company that develops antibody-based treatments for life-threatening diseases. The basis for this is the protein IL1RAP that is involved in a number of diseases and where Cantargia has established a platform. The main project, the antibody CAN04, is being studied in the clinical phase I/IIa CANFOUR study with a primary focus on non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. The study is focused on combination therapies, but also includes a monotherapy arm. Positive interim data from the combination therapies were presented in December 2019. Cantargia’s second project, the antibody CAN10, addresses treatment of serious autoimmune/inflammatory diseases, with initial focus on systemic sclerosis and myocarditis.

Cantargia is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ticker: CANTA). More information about Cantargia is available at


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