Capio’s European Works Council (EWC) Meeting 2012

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Quality according to the Capio model and renegotiation of Capio’s Works Council agreement according to the new EU directives were in focus during the seventh Capio European Works Council Meeting, held in Stockholm on 22-23 May 2012.

The topics presented and discussed at the meeting were:

  • The Capio model in practice
  • Group and business area development and performance
  • The Capio St Göran’s Hospital after the procurement process
  • Six trends within European healthcare
  • Working with quality
  • Renegotiation of the Capio European Works Council agreement
  • The possibilities of further improving the dialogue between management and employees at various levels.

“The Capio model provides a sound foundation for developing our operations towards providing high quality that benefits our patients. This is a long-term initiative that requires a common perspective, one in which all employees have an important role to play”, says Thomas Berglund, CEO of Capio.

“The active participation from employees is a key factor in creating the high-quality care that Capio aspires to. Within the framework of the Capio Works Council, we discuss how we can create even greater participation in the development and processes of the company, and how this can be spread to all operations and levels within the organisation in the best possible way”, says Kevin Thompson, of the Swedish Municipal Workers’ Union and employee chairperson.

The directive for European Works Councils is applicable to companies with at least 1,000 employees within the EU, and at least 150 employees in each of two EU member states. Capio is one of few healthcare companies that have taken the initiative to form a European Works Council. The purpose is to provide a forum for information and discussion about issues relating to the development and performance of the company, together with its plans for the future.

The ongoing renegotiation of the Capio Works Council agreement follows the new EU directives, the intention of which is to increase dialogue between management and employees at all levels in the company. New features of the agreement include increased requirements regarding information and consultation between the management and employees.

Present at the meeting were employees from Capio and employees represented by trades unions from several countries. Employee representatives who participated in the meeting were Bengt Sparrelid, Kevin Thompson and Julia Turner from Sweden; Johannes Heuer and Melanie Steffens from Germany; and Michèle Goya and Mercédes Verdier from France. Capio was represented by Thomas Berglund, Sveneric Svensson, Catherine Viatge, Brita Bramberg, Linda Wallgren and Monica Angervall from Capio.

The discussions took place in an atmosphere characterised by good faith and openness. The next ordinary Capio EWC meeting has been scheduled for the autumn of 2012.

Stockholm, 4 June 2012

For further information, please contact:

Kevin Thompson
Employee Chairperson, Capio EWC
Telephone: +46 70 484 5605

Thomas Berglund
CEO, Capio
Telephone: +46 73 388 8600

The Capio Group, headquartered in Sweden and with a unique pan-European presence, is one of Europe’s leading healthcare companies. Capio offers high-quality healthcare services through its hospitals, specialist clinics and primary care centres. Capio has annual sales of approximately 10 billion SEK and 9,500 employees at about 100 healthcare units in France, Germany, UK, Norway and Sweden. For further information, please visit
