Capio’s Nomination Committee in respect of the Annual General Meeting 2018

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Capio publishes the Nomination Committee in respect of the Annual General Meeting 2018

The Nomination Committee of Capio AB (publ) in respect of the Annual General Meeting 2018, appointed in accordance with the instruction resolved by the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2016, consists of:

  • Mikael Moll, appointed by Zeres Capital (Chairman of the nomination committee)
  • Michael Wolf (the Chairman of the Board)
  • Per Hesselmark, appointed by R12 Kapital
  • Bo Lundgren, appointed by Swedbank Robur fonder
  • Per Colleen, appointed by Fjärde AP-fonden
  • Jan Särlvik, appointed by Nordea Funds

Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee are welcome to contact the Nomination Committee on the address below or by e-mail To ensure that a proposal can be considered by the Nomination Committee such proposal must have been received by the Nomination Committee in due time before the Annual General Meeting, which will be held in Gothenburg on 3 May, 2018.

Capio AB (publ)
The Nomination Committee
c/o Box 1064
SE-405 22 Göteborg

Capio AB (publ)

For information, please see 

Capio AB (publ) is a leading, pan-European healthcare provider offering a broad range of high quality medical, surgical and psychiatric healthcare services through its hospitals, specialist clinics and primary care units. Since the Danish operation was acquired at the beginning of 2017, Capio operates in five countries; Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France and Germany. In 2016, Capio’s 12,435 employees provided healthcare services during 4.7 million patient visits across the Group’s facilities, generating net sales of MSEK 14,069. Capio operates across three geographic segments: Nordic (54% of Group net sales 2016), France (38% of Group net sales 2016) and Germany (8% of Group net sales 2016). For more information about Capio, please see

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