Invitation to Capio’s capital market day in Stockholm on March 15, 2016

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Capio AB (publ) invites investors, financial analysts and media to the Group’s capital market day on March 15, 2016 at Capio St. Göran’s hospital (auditorium) in Stockholm, Sweden.

During the capital market day presentations about the Capio strategy and business operations will be given by Thomas Berglund, president and CEO, and other members of Capio’s Group Management. The program will also include presentations of the strategy in action in some of the Group’s largest business areas as well as a walk through Capio St. Göran’s hospital.

To participate, please register at A detailed agenda will be sent to participants well in advance of March 15.

We look forward to your participation.

For information, please contact:

Olof Bengtsson, CFO
Telephone: +46 761 18 74 69

Kristina Ekeblad, Investor relations manager
Telephone: +46 708 31 19 40

Capio AB (publ) is required to publish the above information under the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on February 16, 2016 at 09.45 CET.

Capio AB (publ) is a leading, pan-European healthcare provider offering a broad range of high quality medical, surgical and psychiatric healthcare services in four countries through its hospitals, specialist clinics and primary care units. In 2015, Capio’s 12,360 employees provided healthcare services during 4.6 million patient visits across the Group’s facilities in Sweden, Norway, France and Germany, generating net sales of MSEK 13,486. Capio operates across three geographic segments: Nordic (54 percent of Group net sales 2015), France (38 percent of Group net sales 2015) and Germany (8 percent of Group net sales 2015). For more information about Capio, please see