Carnegie named Arranger of the Year of Structured Products 2012

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In this year’s issue of Söderberg & Partners’ Traffic Light Report, Carnegie has been named Arranger of the Year of Structured Products as a result of its extensive range of recommended products.

“It feels great. Söderberg & Partners is one of the players that really take assessments of investment products seriously, which makes winning this award extra gratifying,” says Björn Eckert, Account Manager at Carnegie Structured Investments.

The rationale underlying the award was that Carnegie had released products in a large number of markets during the year and was highly successful in offering products with various types of risk profiles. A large share of the products was also issued with a green certificate, which means that they are recommended by Söderberg & Partners.

“2012 was a year characterised by a turbulent stock market and historically low interest rates. In such an environment, it can be difficult, particularly for private investors, to obtain a long-term return on traditional asset classes,” says Björn Eckert.

Josef Marin, resposible for arranging and trading in Carnegie’s structured instruments tells about the breath of the offering:

“During the year, our offering of structured products had great breadth and thus succeeded in generating a return regardless of whether the stock market has risen, declined or moved laterally. We have also offered a number of investments in corporate bonds and other credit products, which have proven to be an interesting alternative to fixed-income investments and/or deposits in bank accounts.”  

The reason for Söderberg & Partners’ Traffic Light Report is to help clients efficiently find the best savings products. Its survey encompasses more than 1,000 products and nine arrangers of structured products.

Björn Eckert, account manager of Carnegie Structured Instruments, e-mail:, phone: +46 734 17 89 91

Josef Marin, responsible for arrenging and trading of Carnegie Structured Investments, e-mail:, phone: +46 706 29 61 85


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