New Nomination Committee appointed in Carnegie

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In accordance with the decision at Carnegie’s Extraordinary General Meeting on 21 November 2007, the Chairman of the Board, Anders Fällman, has contacted representatives for Carnegie’s largest shareholders in order to appoint a Nomination Committee consisting of not less than three and not more than five shareholder representatives, who together with the Chairman of the Board are to form the Nomination Committee. After such contact a new Nomination Committee has been appointed.

The appointment of a new Nomination Committee at this time is due to the fact that the instructions for the Nomination Committee were adjusted at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 21 November 2007, assigning the Chairman of the Board to appoint a new Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee, whose tasks include providing proposals regarding the composition of Carnegie’s Board of Directors to the 2008 Annual General Meeting, comprises:

Ulf Strömsten, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Catella Kapitalförvaltning,
Jan Andersson, Swedbank Robur Fonder,
Anders Fällman, Invik & Co AB,
Greger Landstedt*, Max Matthiessen,

Comments and proposals ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2008 may be addressed to any member of the Nomination Committee at the e-mail addresses above. In order for comments to surely be considered, comments should be submitted to the Nomination Committee 10 February 2008 at the latest. The Annual General Meeting in Carnegie will be held on 7 April 2008 in Stockholm.

For further information, please contact:
Anders Koch, Head of Communications, +46 8 676 86 39

D. Carnegie & Co AB may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 16:00 on 28 January 2008.

*Representing by agreement lasting group of shareholders having a common position by coordinated exercise of voting power.


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