Proposal for the election of Board members and auditors in D. Carnegie & Co AB

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The nomination committee in D. Carnegie & Co AB (Carnegie) consists of Mats Lagerqvist, Swedbank Robur, Chairman, Henrik Didner, Didner & Gerge Fonder, Mikael Nordberg, Danske Capital, and Christer Zetterberg, Chairman of the Board of D. Carnegie & Co AB.

The nomination committee has had five formal meetings. The committee’s task has been to propose chairman and board members to the board as well as board remuneration. The committee has also, supported by the audit committee, presented a proposal regarding election of auditors and their remuneration. In addition to this the nomination process before the annual general meeting in 2008 has been discussed.

Proposal for the election of Board members
The Nomination committee’s work has included a presentation of the work of the Board. The committee has been informed that all present members of the Board will be available for re-election.

Carnegie’s Board of Directors should consist of not less than five and not more than nine members. The Nomination committee’s aim has been to establish a Board of Directors reflecting different areas of expertise, the market position and the different cultures represented in an international investment bank in the Nordic region. Important parameters have been competence, experience, time available and dedication. The proposed Board of Carnegie includes representatives from five different nationalities. The Board members have extensive industrial and financial backgrounds from the Nordic region and internationally, as well as expertise from the global financial services industry and the regulatory environment in the EU. All members, except the CEO, are non-executive.

The Nomination committee proposes that the Board of Carnegie consists of 8 members. At the annual general meeting in 2006 eight members were elected, including Kjartan Gunnarsson, representing Landsbanki Islands. Following Landbanki Islands’ divestment of its holding in Carnegie, Kjartan Gunnarsson left his assignment as board member in July.

The Nomination committee now proposes re-election of Hugo Andersen, Niclas Gabrán, Anders Ljungh, Dag Sehlin, Fields Wicker-Miurin, Stig Vilhelmson and Christer Zetterberg and propose Mai-Lill Ibsen as new Board member. Furthermore, the committee also proposes that Christer Zetterberg is appointed Chairman of the Board of Carnegie.


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