Cary Group announces new initiatives to promote equality and diversity in the workplace

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Cary Group, a leading provider of automotive glass repair and replacement services, is proud to announce a series of new initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality and diversity within the company. These initiatives are part of Cary Group’s ongoing commitment to creating an inclusive work environment and lowering barriers for women to enter traditionally male-dominated roles. One of these initiatives is a Female Technician Summit, held for the first time in Stockholm on August 28-29th. 

Cary Group is dedicated to offering a workplace with equal opportunities and an inclusive environment. The company aims to increase the number of female employees, particularly in production roles, to enhance gender equality and broaden its recruiting base. Cary Group has set ambitious targets to increase the number of female technicians from 31 to 57 by 2026, representing an 84% growth.

There are several ongoing initiatives to reach this, one of it is the Female Technician Summit but also CaryLEAD, the company’s newa leadership profile, as well as sustainability- linked loans, financial initiatives tied to the company’s sustainability goals. The Female Technician Summit, held in Stockholm for the first time, gathered female technicians from Sweden and the UK, with the purpose of sharing knowledge and experiences and to discuss how to attract more female technicians to Cary Group. Guest speakers at the Summit included Sandra Mobarakis (Byggsandra), Jens Åklinder Lagerström (Scania), as well as André Persson (Regional Manager at Ryds Bilglas).


“We are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered. Our new initiatives are a testament to our commitment to breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for women in traditionally male-dominated roles. By increasing the number of female technicians, we aim to not only enhance gender equality but also to enrich our company culture. The Female Technician Summit was a fantastic and important opportunity to hear our female technicians share their experiences, support each other, and discuss how to best create a good and inclusive working environment . It was a great experience for us all to feel the strength that we create together and to see first-hand the internal engagement and dedication from our managers and our organisation." ,says Maria Dillner, Director HR at Cary Group.


The Group’s next scheduled initiative includes digital forums for managers in Sweden and the UK to share best practice and high-light good examples from the company’s work on inclusion and gender equality, and takes place during autumn 2024.

For further information, please contact:

Helene Gustafsson, Head of Corporate Communication, Cary Group
Tel: +46 70 868 40 50


