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  • Castellum’s half-year report January-June 2015: High investment rate and a stronger Castellum

Castellum’s half-year report January-June 2015: High investment rate and a stronger Castellum

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  • Rental income for the period January-June 2015 amounted to SEKm 1,617 (SEKm 1,663 corresponding period previous year).
  • Income from property management amounted to SEKm 716 (703), corresponding to SEK 4.37 (4.29) per share, an increase with 2%.
  • The changes in value on properties amounted to SEKm 880 (357) and on derivatives to SEKm 137 (-366).
  • Net income after tax for the period amounted to SEKm 1,399 (560), corresponding to SEK 8.53 (3.41) per share.
  • The net investments amounted to SEKm 1,730 (1,262) of which SEKm 569 (669) were new constructions, extensions and reconstructions, SEKm 1,422 (814) acquisitions and SEKm 261 (221) sales. Furthermore, 50% of the shares in Ståhls were acquired, with an underlying property value of SEK 2 billion, for SEKm 477.

Gross leasing (i.e. the annual value of total leasing) during the period was SEKm 177 (185), of which SEKm 23 (49) were leasing of new constructions, extensions and reconstructions. Notices of termination amounted to SEKm 140 (112), of which bankruptcies were SEKm 5 (11) and SEKm 7 (2) were notices of termination with more than 18 months remaining length of contract. Net lease for the period was hence SEKm 37 (73) and for the second quarter isolated SEKm 16 (47).

”For Castellum, the past six months meant a restructuring of the portfolio and an upward adjustment of property values. We also focused on extending loan facilities and securing interest-rate margins as well as issuing additional bonds”, says CEO Henrik Saxborn in a statement.

“Major acquisitions in Linköping and Norrköping have been phased into our property management and turned the Castellum Group into the second largest property owner in these emerging cities, at one stroke. The real estate market continued to be characterized by strong demand during the period, prompting us to adjust the value of our real estate portfolio by +2%,” adds Saxborn.

Enclosure: Half-year Report January-June 2015

Castellum AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

For further information, please contact
Henrik Saxborn, CEO, phone +46 31-60 74 50
Ulrika Danielsson, CFO, mobile +46 706-47 12 61


Castellum is one of the major listed real estate companies in Sweden. The fair value of the real estate portfolio amounts to approx. SEK 40 billion, and comprises premises for office, retail, warehouse and industrial purposes with a total lettable area of approx 3.4 million sq.m. The real estate portfolio is owned and managed by six wholly owned subsidiaries with strong local roots in five growth regions: Greater Gothenburg, the Öresund Region, Greater Stockholm, Mälardalen and Eastern Götaland.

Castellum is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm Large Cap.

Castellum AB (publ), Box 2269, SE-403 14 Göteborg | Org nr/Corp Id no SE 556475-5550 | Phone +46 31 60 74 00 Fax +46 31 13 17