Changes to Castellum’s Nomination Committee
In accordance with Nomination Committee instructions, the composition of the Committee has been changed ahead of Castellum AB’s 2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM) owing to changes in ownership of the company.
Due to the completion of Castellum’s bid for Kungsleden, the company’s ownership circle has changed. In light of this change, Mats Gustafsson – appointed by Lannebo Fonder – has placed his seat on the Nomination Committee at the disposal of larger shareholders. After contacts with the larger shareholders, the Nomination Committee has decided that Ilija Batljan will replace Mats Gustafsson as a member of the Nomination Committee. After the change, the Nomination Committee will consist of the following members:
- Helen Fasth Gillstedt, chair of the Nomination Committee, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
- Patrik Essehorn, appointed by Corem Property Group
- Johannes Wingborg, appointed by Länsförsäkringar Fonder
- Ilija Batljan, appointed by Ilija Batljan Invest
- Rutger Arnhult, Chairman of the Board
The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be announced in the notice for the 2022 AGM and on the company’s website. The AGM for Castellum AB will be held on 31 March 2022, in accordance with the company’s updated financial calendar.
For more information please contact:
Helen Fasth Gillstedt, chair of the Nomination Committee, +46 706-70 54 54
About Castellum
Castellum is one of the largest listed property companies in the Nordic region that develops flexible workplaces and smart logistics solutions. As of 19 November 2021, the property value totalled approximately SEK 148 billion, based on ownership of all shares in Kungsleden. We are active in attractive Swedish growth regions as well as in Copenhagen and the Helsinki area. Through Castellum’s associated company, Entra ASA, the company is also exposed to the Norwegian commercial property market. One of our sustainability goals is to become entirely climate neutral by 2030 at the latest. Castellum is the only Nordic property and construction company elected to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). The Castellum share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap.
Beyond expectations.