Scribona restructures operations in Denmark
Scribona restructures operations in Denmark In response to heavy losses in Scribona's Danish operations in recent years, a number of energetic action and downsizing programs were implemented during 2003. These measures generated a significant improvement in earnings in the fourth quarter and the Danish organization will now be restructured in order to further strengthen profitability. As of 1 April 2004, the management structures and backoffice functions of the Distribution and Solutions divisions will be integrated, thereby reducing the number of employees by an additional 25. For additional information contact: Tom Ekevall Larsen, President & CEO, telephone +46-(0)8-734 36 50 Facts about Scribona Scribona is the Nordic market's leading provider of IT products and solutions, offering customers cutting-edge product expertise, the industry's leading e-commerce system, optimized product availability and a broad range of complementary services. Scribona's operations are organized in three business areas: * Scribona Solutions - value adding distribution of IT infrastructure * Scribona Distribution - effective volume distribution of IT products * Scribona Brand Alliance - exclusive agent for leading brand suppliers Address: Scribona AB, Sundbybergsvägen 1, Box 1374, SE-171 27 Solna. The company's registered office is located in Solna, Sweden. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: