Caverion confirms the decision of the German Federal Cartel Office on the final anti-trust fine amount
Caverion Corporation Stock exchange release 3 July, 2018 at 4.00 p.m. EEST
Caverion confirms the decision of the German Federal Cartel Office on the final anti-trust fine amount
The Bundeskartellamt (German Federal Cartel Office) has today issued its final decision on the final amount of the anti-trust fine in the cartel case. According to the decision, the amount of the anti-trust fine for Caverion Deutschland GmbH is EUR 40.797.000. The fine will be booked as an expense in the second quarter and it will be paid in the third quarter.
More information on the settlement in cartel investigation has been given in a stock exchange release published by Caverion on 12 June 2018.
Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, principal media,
For additional information, please contact:
Anne Viitala, Group General Counsel; please contact Päivi Alakuijala, VP, Marketing and Communications, tel. +358 40 8400 251,
Milena Hæggström, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 5581 328,
Caverion provides smart technical solutions and services for buildings, industrial processes and infrastructure. Our unique service offering covers the entire life cycle: design, build and maintenance. Our vision is to be the first choice in digitalising environments for customers, employees, partners and investors. Our revenue in 2017 was approximately EUR 2.3 billion. Caverion has about 16,000 employees in 12 countries in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. Caverion’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Twitter: @CaverionGroup