Changes in the holding of Caverion Corporation’s own shares

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Caverion Corporation Stock Exchange Release 4 June 2020 at 3.15 p.m. EEST

Changes in the holding of Caverion Corporation’s own shares

On 4 June 2020 a total of 4,431 own shares (CAV1V) have been returned to Caverion Corporation.

The receipt of shares is related to the directed share issue announced on 18 December 2019, whereby shares held by the company were conveyed as payment from the Matching Share Plan 2018–2022. The shares were returned to the company based on the terms and conditions of the plan.

After the receipt of shares Caverion holds a total of 2,814,664 treasury shares.


Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, principal media,

For additional information, please contact:

Minna Schrey-Hyppänen, Head of Human Resources, tel. +358 40 556 8144,

Milena Hæggström, Head of Investor Relations and External Communications, tel. +358 40 5581 328,

Our life is shaped by the environments we build around us. By making built environments smart and sustainable, Caverion enables performance and people’s well-being. Customers can trust our expert guidance during the entire life cycle of their buildings, infrastructure or industrial sites and processes: from design & build to projects, technical and industrial maintenance, facility management as well as advisory services. Our customers are supported by over 16,000 professionals in 11 countries in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. Our revenue in 2019 was approximately EUR 2.1 billion. Caverion’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. 

Caverion - Building Performance @CaverionGroup


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Changes in the holding of own shares
Changes in the holding of Caverion Corporation’s own shares