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As the festive season approaches, it becomes all too easy to over-indulge and with countless party invitations, the need to fit into that LBD becomes more and more important. So why not try e’lifexir® Flat Tummy plus, and beat that Christmas bulge?

After all those turkey dinners and mince pies, our tummies are frankly overwhelmed, leaving you feeling overstuffed. e’lifexir® Flat Tummy plus is a healthy prebiotic that helps to reduce that uncomfortable feeling by encouraging the intestinal flora in your gut to stay in balance. With its bio-active ingredients called fructo-oligosaccharides (sugars found naturally in fruits and vegetables), e’lifexir® Flat Tummy plus assists the digestion of food, feeding the natural bifidobacteria already present in the gut, so that this ‘good’ bacteria can thrive, whilst ensuring you receive all the nutrients from the food you eat. With this healthier intestinal environment, you should be left with a happier, flatter tummy in just 30 days. So to ensure your body stays at its best both inside and outside this winter, just pop one or two e’lifexir® Flat Tummy plus tablets in your mouth after meals. The minty flavour leaves you feeling refreshed, (particularly handy if there happens to be any mistletoe around!) and the blister pack is small enough to fit in your handbag, perfect for this hectic party season. After all, Christmas is a time to be enjoyed, not ruined by a troublesome tummy! e’lifexir® FLAT TUMMY plus costs £8.99 for 30 tablets - 0845 601 8129 - For press enquiries contact