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Each year around 200,000 British workers suffer from arm, shoulder or neck disorders that are made worse by work (1). Held on the last day of February – the only non-repetitive day on the calendar – International Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day highlights the impact of work-related injuries, often compounded by…working more! If your boss is delaying buying you that new chair, supportive mouse mat or if being on your feet all day is taking its toll, take it into your own hands and say goodbye to the strain with Enerjii functional jewellery.

Dr Ray Perrin, Osteopath and creator of The Perrin Technique for CFS explains “Repetitive strain injury (RSI), also known as repetitive motion injuries and MSI (musculoskeletal injury) are injuries in nerves, tendons, muscles and joints brought on by repetitive tasks, pressing against hard surfaces, or sustained or awkward positions such as standing or reaching for a computer mouse.” Twenty-five year-old Hannah Mason, a shop manager says, “I broke my foot two years ago, wearing high heels on Christmas Eve. As it was Christmas I didn’t want to go to hospital so I left it and as a result, the bone set incorrectly and now it sticks out. Enerjiii has been a lifesaver, especially when bending down to stack shelves at work and standing on my feet all day. The magnets are much stronger than any of the other bracelets I’ve tried before and within ten days the pain had gone! It also improves my energy levels.” Enerjii’s Italian-designed unisex bracelets and necklaces use up to four natural therapy systems to energise, boost positivity and help keep you going during that afternoon slump, while reducing aches and pains. Many wearers report a reduction in pain when wearing Enerjii, allowing them to move with less discomfort - thought to be due to the healing properties of Far Infrared. Enerjii wearers can enjoy the benefits of: Magnets – thought to maintain healthy circulation, ease sore joints and even increase strength in aching, stiff or weak muscles. Enerjii’s high-quality rare earth neodymium magnetic inserts emit a magnetic field strength of 800 - 1200 mT Gauss strength, which is considered the safest and most beneficial range for humans. Copper – may help to repair injured tissues and promote healing, it has been worn for centuries to assist with arthritis and joint problems like tennis elbow which can be worsened by regular daily motions. The underside of Enerjii’s Copperii is unplated raw copper for maximum contact with skin and absorption of beneficial copper compounds. Far Infrared (FIR) – believed to help stimulate circulation and healing, FIR is the invisible band of energy from the sun’s spectrum that we feel as warmth. Advanced bio-ceramic inserts that absorb energy lost from the body reflect it back as beneficial FIR rays. Negative Ions – thought to increase serotonin levels (feel-good chemical) in the brain, improve concentration, reduce stress and boost energy. They counteract positively charged ions, which are often generated by electronic equipment and can have a negative impact on energy levels. Prices: £19.95 – £79.95 Stockists:, The Nutri Centre, independent health shops and sports stores nationwide. Note: Enerjii Bracelets are not a medical device. If you are pregnant or have a pacemaker, consult your doctor before wearing Enerjii jewellery. – ENDS – (1) Source, HSE website: Table SWIT3W12 - 2007/08 and previous years For all press enquiries and testimonials/case studies about Enerjii’s benefits please contact Jacqueline Labib or Hollie Thomson at CCD PR: 020 7434 4100 or /

