Economy up but health costs for families remain a worry

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Even if the economy is getting better, people are still concerned about looking after their families’ health and what it might cost.

A recent Mintel report shows that most adults still feel that household bills are a key stress trigger and a substantial part of a household’s budget is spent on healthcare. With medical bills still soaring, families could still find it difficult to find the money needed to take care of their families this year. HSF health plans can provide families with the peace of mind by getting cash back on everyday medical costs, such as dental check-ups, contact lenses and acupuncture, and also covering unexpected costs, such as those incurred during hospital visits. Stephen Duff, HSF health plan Deputy Chief Executive, says families need to maintain their health now to avoid more serious health issues and costly operations in the future. “Families will continue to feel the strain of the past economic downturn even though recent figures say there are more positive signs ahead. People may well, consequently, choose to eat a less nutritious diet - capitalising on buy-one-get-one-free offers - and leading a more stressful lifestyle to save money. “In nationwide research conducted by YouGov we have found that people put off optical and dental checks because they are worried about the optician/dentist finding a problem that is going to cost a lot. Routine dental and optical visits are important, as early detection not only saves you money, but also increases the chances of successful treatment. Now is an important time to consider the long-term savings made by well-managed health.” HSF health plan is the only health cash plan in the UK that covers subscribers’ partners and their children under 18 for free. HSF health plan reimburses most everyday health costs up to each plan’s maximum. For more information please go to or call 020 7928 6662. -Ends- For all press queries about HSF health plan or if you would like to speak to an industry spokesperson, please contact: Johnny Steyn or Emma Metcalf at CCD Public Relations 020 7434 4100 or or Notes to Editors HSF health plan was established in 1873, before the NHS existed, to help people budget for their healthcare needs. HSF health plan provides a special combined optical and dental option, which provides contributors with an annual pot of money that can be used flexibly, dependant on their needs, on either private optical or dental treatment or paying costs the NHS doesn’t cover. HSF health plan donates its surplus money, through the Hospital Saturday Fund, a registered charity, to medical causes.