Eye test detects life threatening blood clot

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Regular eye tests can make all the difference

A report in the Mail Online today described how a regular eye test picked up a life threatening but rare blood clotting disorder in 22 year old Kirsty Old. Kirsty Old's story in the Daily Mail. Having an eye test at least once every two years should be part of everyone's health care routine. Every year, 12.5 million people who need to, do not have a regular eye test. Many causes of sight loss are preventable if they are caught early - regular eye tests are the best way to do this. HSF health plan, which reimburses everyday healthcare costs, have combined their optical and dental benefits into one pool to ensure that contributors can continue to go for regular check ups without worrying about the bill. HSF health plan is the only health cash plan in the UK that covers subscribers’ partners and their children under 18 for free. As well as dental and optical, the HSF health plan provides cash back for specialist and investigations, practitioner treatments – such as physiotherapy, chiropody and acupuncture – personal accident cover, home care help, birth grant and much more. For more information please go to hsf.co.uk or call 020 7928 6662. If you would like to talk to an expert need more information please get in touch. Kind regards Johnny Steyn CCD Public Relations 020 7434 4100