WHILE YOU WEREN’T SLEEPING - sales of natural sleep aid Patch-It shot up

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Sales of Patch-It reflexology foot patches – proven to aid sleep - have rocketed to one pack an hour following the recent cold snap. Compared to sales during warmer weather, Patch-It sales increased by 1,900 per cent in January. Research has shown that cold feet and poor circulation inhibits sleep, and with the season’s unusually frosty weather consumers are willing to try anything for some much needed nap time - particularly with Sleep Awareness Week just around the corner (7-13 March). It is thought that one in three adults in the UK has suffered from insomnia over the last 12 months . And with this number rising during chilly conditions, thousands of us are clearly not prepared to be left feeling tired during the day, - as sales increased by a massive 233 per cent from December to January alone. That equates to one patch sold every 10 minutes. It is no wonder that tired customers keep coming back for more – the humble plaster-style patch has been found to reduce the amount of time troubled sleepers spend awake every night by a staggering 40 per cent . In a randomised placebo-controlled trial, conducted by an independent Harley Street clinic, problem sleepers experienced: • A 100 per cent improvement in alertness during the day • A reduction in sleep interruptions by one third • A 20 per cent reduction in the time taken to fall asleep Patch-It is also enriched with luxurious double-distilled Mandarin Wood Vinegar to boost far infrared – a form of energy naturally produced by our tissues to increase warmth and healing – so you can be confident of a restful night, like Strictly Come Dancing’s Ola Jordan, who uses Patch-It to soothe her aching feet on tour. To experience the benefits yourself, apply Patch-It to the soles of your feet shortly before going to bed and allow it to work overnight, helping you to wake feeling refreshed and energised. Patch-It should be used for seven consecutive nights for optimum results. Patch-It (£9.99 for six patches or £29.99 for 20 patches) is available from www.nutricentre.com, John Bell & Croydon and independent health food stores nationwide. For stockists or further information call 0845 601 8129 or visit www.patch-it.info or www.naturesdream.co.uk -ENDS- Please contact: Hollie Thomson or Joanne Jarvis at CCD PR / 020 7434 4100 / hollie@ccdpr.com / joanne@ccdpr.com