Decisions taken by the Cell Network Annual General Meeting

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Decisions taken by the Cell Network Annual General Meeting At the Annual General Meeting of Cell Network AB on April 26, 2000, decisions were taken to approve the annual report, the auditors' report and the financial statements for 1999. Approval of the 1999 annual report The meeting approved the Parent Company and consolidated income statements and balance sheets for 1999, as well as disposal of the Company's earnings in accordance with the approved balance sheet. In addition, the meeting discharged the Board of Directors and the President from liability for their administration during the fiscal year 1999. New Board of Directors According to the meeting's decision, the Board of Directors shall consist of four members elected by the Annual General Meeting. Jan Carlzon, Olof Stenhammar, Rune Rinnan and Björn Larsen were re-elected as ordinary members of the Board of Directors of Cell Network AB. Johan Hernmarck and Hans Källenius declined re-election. The Board of Directors shall receive SEK 400,000 in remuneration to be distributed as determined by the Board and payment for the auditors in accordance with a separate agreement or an approved invoice. Bertel Enlund and Staffan Landén from Ernst & Young AB were re-elected as auditors. Contacts: Arvid Liepe, head of Corporate Communications and Investor Relations, Cell Network AB (publ), Phone +46 8 522 041 85, mobile +46 709 56 51 85 The Internet company Cell Network AB (publ) is listed on the OM Stockholm Stock Exchange's O-list and has international operations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland and Malaysia. The Group is a leading Internet consulting company for business development based on new digital media and aims to be one of the market leaders in the world. Customers include General Electric, Telia, Nokia, ABB, Volvo, Telenor, Renault, Saab, Banque Nationale de Paris, Ericsson, Braathens Malmö Aviation, Astra-Zeneca, Procordia, De norske Bokklubbene, Nationalencyklopedin, Svenskt Flyg, Bonnier, Torget (Swedish Post) and Electrolux Home. To subscribe to press releases online, visit ------------------------------------------------------------ Please visit for further information The following files are available for download: