Exhibiting at Gulfood?  You’ve got a friend in CESA…

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UK catering equipment companies at the Show can get help from CESA, in the GB Pavilion

Any UK catering equipment company exhibiting at Gulfood 2015 who needs any kind of assistance can get it right away, on site, from CESA. The association is appointed by UK Trade & Investment to manage the United Kingdom Pavilion. However, director Keith Warren is keen to underline CESA’s role is to help every UK company exhibiting, whether or not they are part of the Pavilion.

“Our job at Gulfood is to represent UK PLC and be a mouthpiece for the foodservice equipment industry,” he says. “There are a variety of ways we can assist companies to ensure they have a successful exhibition, for example by helping with technical support and advice on policy, training for staff, via the CFSP programme, or offering a forum for meetings.”

CESA is a challenge partner for UKT&I, with a remit to provide effective, practical support and funding to help catering equipment companies exporting to markets such as the Middle East.

During Gulfood CESA will also be demonstrating the latest developments with CESABIM, the catering industry’s BIM database.   BIM experts will be on hand to discuss any issues, including confusion over file formats. “BIM is set to become a valuable sales tool for companies exporting to the Middle East,” says Keith. “Compatibility will be the key issue, and we believe CESABIM offers the best solution.”

The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit www.cesa.org.uk

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Gulfood 2015 Preview.docx – Dec-14

Press Enquiries:

Toni Turner at The Publicity Works: 01263 761000; cesa@publicityworks.biz

For more news about CESA visit the press office at www.publicityworks.biz

Keith Warren, CESA: 020 7793 3030

Separation/Inclusion charges: By email only to toni@publicityworks.biz

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