Foodservice Order of Merit: list honours captains of industry

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CESA celebrates passion and commitment of foodservice individuals from around the world at breakfast ceremony during Hotelympia 2014

CESA’s Foodservice Order of Merit recognises individuals who have gone beyond the call of duty in service to the catering industry. The Orders are presented every two years, during Hotelympia, and the 2014 ceremony featured a diverse honours list of the great and the good from the UK and overseas, who came together to collect their awards at a special breakfast held on the Tuesday of the show (29thApril).

This year’s recipients of the Foodservice Order of Merit were:

Jan Matthews, Chair, Arena

Jeni Edwards, Chair, Association of Catering Excellence

Magnus Ericsson, Chair, BFS, Sweden

Jack Sharkey, Chair, Catering Equipment Distributors Association

Amerigo Po, Chair, Professional Appliances, CECED Italia

Christopher Basten, Chair, Craft Guild of Chefs

Martin Rahmann, Chair, FCSI Europe, Africa, Middle East

Niccola Boyd-Stevenson, Chair, Foodservice Consultants Society International, UK & Ireland

Ulrich Müller, Chair, HKI

Andy Jones, National Chair, Hospital Caterers Association

Sean Martin, Chair, Irish Foodservice Suppliers' Association

Carrieanne Bishop, Chair, Local Authorities Caterers Association

Michael Whiteley, President, NAFEM

Neel Radia, Chair, National Association of Care Catering

Pierre-Alain Augagneur, President, SYNEG

Ugur Atalay, President, TUSID

Andy Wilson, Principal, Westminster Kingsway College

Bryan Baughan, The Master, Worshipful Company of Cooks

Nick Oryino, chair of CESA, commented, “They are the drivers, the movers, the shakers, the people who make it happen. Their passion and commitment enriches our industry. The Foodservice Order of Merit recognises their contribution, and I’m delighted, as chair of CESA, to be involved in making these awards.”  

The Catering Equipment Suppliers Association (CESA) is the authoritative voice of the catering equipment industry, representing over 170 companies who supply, service and maintain all types of commercial catering equipment - from utensils to full kitchen schemes. For more information on CESA visit

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Foodservice Order of Merit 2014.docx – May-14

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