This year’s Chalmers fence measures the force of the jumps

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For the third year in a row, the Gothenburg Horse Show is working with Chalmers University of Technology to determine the ultimate jump trajectory for horses. This year, they’ll be measuring the force of the horses’ take-off and landing. That’s never been done before.

“We’re continuing to gather new information on how horses actually jump, findings that challenge the traditional image of horse jumping,” says Magnus Karlsteen, Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology.

Force is in focus this year as Chalmers students continue to develop an ever-better understanding of how a horse jumps. By burying sensors before and after the fence, they’ll be able to measure the force of the horses’ push-off and landing.

“We don’t know how much force a horse employs before and after a fence; no one in the world has measured this before,” Karlsteen says.

As in previous years, the audience will see the results directly on the screens in the arena. The findings will be used as additional information which will allow Chalmers’ students to continue analysing jump trajectories.

“It’s absolutely in the interest of the Gothenburg Horse Show to support the development of technical innovations that will improve horses’ endurance,” says Tomas Torgersen, Show Director of the of the Gothenburg Horse Show.

The Chalmers Fence project is the work of Chalmers students who are using their expertise to develop unique measuring systems focusing on the health and well-being of the horses. Many of the students are pleased to be able to combine a passion for horses with their studies. 

“It’s an opportunity you get when you study at Chalmers, being able to combine your interests with your studies,” Karlsteen says.

The EuroHorse equestrian fair on 22–25 February, which will take place during the Gothenburg Horse Show, will feature jumping obstacles and other equestrian research projects. Chalmers University of Technology is a national sports university. For more information on Chalmers’ equestrian projects, visit: Equestrian sports at Chalmers

The Gothenburg Horse Show is being arranged on 20–25 February 2018 by Got Event, the event and arena company of the City of Gothenburg, which operates ten arenas in the city, including Scandinavium.

For more information:
Tomas Torgersen, Show Director of the Gothenburg Horse Show, +46-031-368 44 53,

Magnus Karlsteen, Associate Professor in Physics, responsible for Equestrian sports at Chalmers University of Technology, +46-73-079 42 47,



