mhl support replies to the ‘Air Steward’ Resignation Question
Employment law specialist mhl support has recently been inundated with requests from clients asking for the legal position on ‘heat of the moment’ resignations. The influx started after the media highlighted the case of American air steward, Steven Slater, who quit his job in dramatic fashion last week. 38 year old Slater, who walked out of his job with US Airline Jet Blue, is said to have announced, over the plane’s intercom system, that he had “had it” and cursed the passengers who he had recently experienced conflict with while onboard. He is then reported to have grabbed some beer from the galley before making a grand exit down the plane’s emergency slide. “The case has certainly raised a few issues for our clients,” said Brendan Wincott, mhl support’s Employment Law Compliance Officer. “We frequently hear of employees resigning in the heat of the moment. Many never come back, with a number taking matters to an employment tribunal for constructive dismissal. Others will come back asking to retract their resignations.” The case has been the focus of much media attention, not least because Steven Slater has attained a hero like status by gaining some 20,000 followers on Facebook. Slater is now reported to be facing criminal charges for his actions. As Brendan Wincott explained: “We don’t normally encounter employees resigning in such a dramatic fashion. While we would not condone such actions, we can see how he has gained the support of many who would praise his actions. Employees do have a right to retract a resignation after a reasonable cooling off period, when submitted in the heat of the moment. If an employee goes to the trouble of writing out their resignation, it is unlikely to be seen as “in the heat of the moment.” In cases like this one, Slater would possibly be allowed to retract his resignation later that day.” If you have a situation where one of your employees has resigned from their job in the heat of the moment, and would like to obtain more information, please call Katy Vaughan today on 08453 100 600 for your free no obligation quote. - ENDS -