Youngsters from a Cannock primary school have been given an insight into the world of work during a visit to one of the country’s largest suppliers of forklift trucks, Briggs Equipment. A group of around 30 children from Jerome Primary School recently visited the company’s Cannock headquarters, where they learnt about the range of jobs carried out by people working in their community. The half-day visit was hosted by Richard Close, CEO of Briggs Equipment, who explained that the company feels a responsibility to young people, and wants to help them engage with the wider community. “We hope to contribute to the developing of confidence and sense of responsibility amongst the youngsters, whilst helping them make the most of their abilities so they live to their full potential in the future,” he said. “The visit also helped them to understand how employers rely on what they learn at school.” “For example, a forklift demonstration and talk highlighted the application of subjects such as science and maths in the real world.” An extensive factory tour and five-minute briefings from each department helped demonstrate to the 10 to 11-year-olds how the success of a large company relies on small, specialist teams working together. The day closed with a question and answer session with Richard Close over afternoon tea. Added Rachel Hawkins, head teacher of Jerome Primary School: “Children learn a great deal about citizenship during their primary years, and visits such as this are important to their development. “We are grateful that staff at Briggs gave up their valuable time to help our children and I am sure the day gave them a real insight into how business works and the importance of the subjects they study in school.” - - - ENDS - - - Images to accompany this release: High res images to download for print: click here