Walmart Foundation Grant Supports Pendleton Place in Greenville

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Pendleton Place for Children and Families is pleased to announce that it has received a $25,000 grant from the Walmart Foundation’s State Giving Program for its Smith Supportive Services program. Smith Supportive Services provides a loving and safe residential home for 10 teenage girls as well as community case management for young adults who have aged out of the foster care system.

“Pendleton Place is extremely grateful for this generous award from Walmart, said Executive Director Laurie Rovin. This money will allow us to continue the work that we are doing in keeping children safe and supporting families in crisis in the Greenville community”.

In Upstate South Carolina, thousands of children enter foster care each year. These children have suffered abuse, neglect, and/or sexual trauma and need a safe place to begin the healing process. Many children are able to find foster homes, but unfortunately there are not enough foster homes to satisfy the needs of all of these children, particularly teenage girls. Through its Smith Supportive Services program, Pendleton Place provides a 10-bed group home for teen girls in foster care who have suffered trauma (serving between 50 and 70 girls each year). In addition to providing for their basic needs like food and clothing, the Smith House program provides residents with counseling services, structured educational support, life skills training, financial literacy classes, civic engagement, recreational outings, therapeutic recreation, and other hands-on opportunities aimed at preparing youth for successful, independent living after foster care.

“The Smith Supportive Services program is doing vital work by serving this particularly vulnerable segment of the population in Greenville. With specialized support delivered in a safe residential setting, the program can play a vital role in helping teenage girls heal and navigate the transition from foster care to successful lives,” said Brooke Mueller, Walmart’s Director of Public Affairs and Community Relations in South Carolina. “Walmart is pleased to provide financial support for Smith Supportive Services and the positive impact that it is having on the Greenville community.”

Youth who transition or age out of foster care often have difficulty completing their education, developing job skills, and becoming successfully independent. Research has shown statistically significant patterns for how youth aging out of foster care differ from their non-foster care counterparts. Reports indicate that these youth are at much greater risk for homelessness, having low income, not obtaining a high school education and degree, and being a part of the criminal justice system. This population has also been shown to be at higher risk for unplanned pregnancies and being in need of government assistance. Additionally, research finds educational deficits among foster youth approaching the transition to adulthood. Unfortunately, our data suggest that these deficits often continue into their early adult years. Even by around age 24, nearly one-quarter of the young adults did not have a high school diploma or a GED. Pendleton Place recognizes this critical need, and in 2013 began community-based case management services and after-care support for these youth through its Smith Supportive Services program.

In 2013, community giving in South Carolina from Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs and the Walmart Foundation totaled $29.2 million.

About Pendleton Place:

Since 1975, Pendleton Place’s residential program has been a place of safety and comfort for children hurt by abuse and neglect. Much more than just a roof over their heads, Pendleton Place has provided the structure, support and guidance children need to begin the healing process. Our innovative program services help children and families through a focus on residential care, supportive community services for teenagers, safe family visitation and custody exchange, and comprehensive assessment for children and families in the foster care system.  In June of 2013, Pendleton Place achieved national accreditation through the Council on Accreditation.

About Philanthropy at Walmart

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation are committed to helping people live better through philanthropic efforts. By operating globally and giving back locally, Walmart is uniquely positioned to address the needs of the communities it serves and make a significant social impact within its core areas of giving: Hunger Relief & Healthy Eating, Sustainability, Career Opportunity and Women’s Economic Empowerment. To learn more about Walmart’s giving, visit


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