Strength In Depth Ensures Growth Will Continue
GROUPAUTO UK & Ireland Ltd (GROUPAUTO), the UK’s largest trading group has restructured and strengthened its senior management team during the course of 2012 to ensure that it is able to fully represent the needs of the group’s members and the developments it has in the pipeline for 2013.
Working alongside managing director Jim Mazza is Bob Ackroyd, the group’s commercial director, who was central to the development of the G-Logix national distribution centre, which was opened last year. With extensive retail knowledge and experience, Bob naturally oversees Go Automotive and the other retail focussed programmes open to the national membership, while looking further afield, he is also responsible for developing a closer relationship with GROUPAUTO France.
Managing the distribution centre is Andy Preston. Andy is responsible for all aspects of the operation from deliveries in to and out of the facility, to ensuring product availability, reliable pick rates and stock control, as well as site security.
The task of managing the bureau falls to Charlie Bamford and his role is to make sure that the central invoicing, electronic invoicing and the other e-commerce platforms all function harmoniously for members and the group’s suppliers alike.
Commercial manager, Andy Lees who joined the GROUPAUTO-fold earlier this year, heads the entire sales team. He is responsible for supporting the members so they can grow their business, improve efficiency and build customer loyalty, and to increase the network as a whole.
In the field, network manager, Maria McCullough is responsible for the development of the AutoCare garage network. Part of her role is to ensure that EuroGarage standards are implemented and maintained across the network and that each garage is able to retain and grow its customer-base and individual profitability.
On the commercial vehicle side of the organisation, commercial manager Martin Sangster is responsible for the development of the G-Truck supply network as well as the Top Truck commercial vehicle workshop programme.
From a marketing perspective, the responsibility lays with Chris Chaplin who joined the group last November. As commercial manager (marketing), his role is to oversee website development for the group and ensure effective business-to business marketing for the members, as well as the marketing for the GROUPAUTO network and for the group’s online publishing activities.
For more information about any of the services offered by GROUPAUTO, please contact the head office on: 01274 654600 or visit:
For further information relating to this press material, please contact Steve Coombes on: 01753 785957 or e-mail:
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