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Akabusi Takes Centre Stage At Trade Show & Conference

GROUPAUTO UK & Ireland Ltd (GROUPAUTO), the UK’s largest trading group is making the final preparations for its forthcoming members trade show and conference, which will take place at the Harrogate International Centre on Friday 12thOctober. However, the highlight of the occasion will no doubt be the appearance of Kris Akabusi as the event’s keynote speaker.

GROUPAUTO’s managing director, Jim Mazza said: “Although an exciting occasion which we are anticipating greatly, our annual members trade show is a major logistical exercise and will constitute one of the country’s biggest gatherings of aftermarket suppliers, as the vast majority of the group’s approved suppliers will exhibit at the event.

“The members conference that follows once the exhibition closes is also an organisational challenge, but the whole GROUPAUTO team is looking forward to the event immensely as both elements are very well received and supported by GROUPAUTO members.

“As a nation we have been privileged to witness some amazing feats of physical strength, precision and stamina across a wide range of disciplines as we’ve seen the London Olympics run without a hitch and give the country’s reputation a boost in the eyes of the world.

“We shall use this example as an inspiration, as the purpose of our combined members trade show and conference is to help us excel in our segment of the UK and deliver the best possible service we can provide to our customers, and to the UK motorist as a whole.

“To help us to focus on the task before us, we have one of the most iconic stars in UK athletic history, as Kris Akabusi and his infectious laughter will address the conference and give us the extra push we all need to get us over the line and improve business performance in the months and years ahead.”

For more information contact the GROUPAUTO team on: 01274 654600 or visit:


For further information relating to this press material, please contact Steve Coombes on: 01753 785957 or e-mail:

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