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Government statement brings call for action IAAF Members are contacting their Members of Parliament in an effort to convince Ministers at the Department for Transport of the folly of their proposals to reduce the frequency of MoT testing for cars and light commercial vehicles. Over the last ten months or so the Federation has been in contact with ministers and civil servants at the Department for Transport (DfT) regarding the suggestion that a further review of the MoT testing frequency be made. Last weekend the Secretary of State, Philip Hammond, announced that the government would be consulting on proposals to adopt either a 4-1-1, a 4-2-1, or a 4-2-2 frequency regime. It now appears that retention of the current 3-1-1 regime is not being considered at all. Brian Spratt CEO for the IAAF commented: “The announcement was itself a surprise as DfT officials had, on Tuesday of last week, advised that no announcements would be made until after the elections on May 5th, as the active campaigning put the government ‘in purdah’ for policy announcements. We need IAAF members to voice their opposition now.” “In 2008 the last (Labour) government made an extensive review of MoT frequency and concluded that the increase in road deaths and casualties which would ensue from moving from the current 3-1-1 regime to the proposed 4-2-2 option was unacceptable. The DfT and outside experts made the decision following consultation and research; research, which was, itself, quality checked by the Cabinet Office. “This latest announcement includes reference to research carried out by the Transport Road Laboratory (TRL) which was hurriedly completed and has not been subject to any quality review. The TRL researchers also point out that their brief was very specific and limited and that there are areas of enquiry that have not been researched and data used which has not been validated.” Brian concluded: “Nevertheless their conclusions are that the changes would lead to around 30 additional deaths each year, and yet the Secretary of State feels it gives enough justification for the current system to be discarded!” “We’ve provided IAAF members with a template letter to send to their MPs and information on how to identify who their MP is. We need every MP in the land to receive a letter, so that they can show the DfT quite how dangerous the proposals are and quite how much disquiet is felt around the country.” ends For further information or any media matters, regarding the IAAF please contact Gary Barak at chicane Suite 588 Eastside Complex, Pinewood Studios, Buckinghamshire. SL0 0NH. Tel: 01753 650004 or Email: gary@chicanemarketing.co.uk


