Church of Scientology London Calls for Moral Resurgence

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Is the UK sinking into moral decline? The Church of Scientology of London rallied London community leaders to discuss the issue and introduce them to The Way to Happiness—a tool to reverse the trend.

Community, civic and religious leaders attended a conference titled “Is the UK sinking into moral decline?” at the Church of Scientology of London where they were introduced to The Way to Happiness—a tool to reverse the trend.

Community, civic and religious leaders gathered at the Church of Scientology of London for a conference titled, “Is the UK sinking into moral decline?”

President of the Church of Scientology London Mark Pinchin opened the conference by asking attendees to define for themselves what morals are and what they would consider a moral decline to be.

Pinchin illustrated the theme of the conference with a mosaic of scandals, controversy and cover-ups gleaned from media articles, editorials and speeches by prominent government and religious leaders, all leading to the inevitable conclusion that morality is on the wane.

He then presented a simple solution: The Way to Happiness. Authored by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, this is a moral code based on common sense. Because it is entirely nonreligious, its 21 precepts apply to people of any race, culture or creed.

A councillor of a London Borough ward, where a thousand copies of The Way to Happiness have been distributed door-to-door, described how he first found a copy of the booklet on a table. He picked it up and read the introduction. It immediately made sense to him.

The councillor addressed the topic of the conference by reading a story from London Evening Standard and showing that use of a single The Way to Happiness precept would remedy the issue the article posed. He told attendees that whenever there is an issue or a problem in his ward, he simply gives out copies of the booklet to help resolve the issue and foster peace and calm.

The director of a community group described how his volunteers work in troubled neighbourhoods to keep the peace. They use The Way to Happiness to give guidance to youth who often have no direction or moral compass. Once helped, many of these young people join the community peacekeeping effort and go on to serve others.

Pinchin then released a new brochure, Scientology: How We Help—Creating a World of Honesty, Trust & Self Respect and presented copies of the brochure to each of the guests. He described how the Church of Scientology supports The Way to Happiness campaign to reverse declining moral standards all over the world.

Immensely popular since its first publication in 1981, more than 100 million copies of The Way to Happiness have been distributed in 205 countries and territories, providing a moral compass anyone can live by.

The Church of Scientology and its members are proud to share the tools for happier living contained in The Way to Happiness with all who work to build a better world. For more information, visit

Press Contact: Karin Pouw
Phone: (323) 960-3500

Church of Scientology International
6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: 1-323-960-3500



