Churches of Scientology for Europe Celebrates Second Anniversary

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Religious leaders, community officials, representatives of nongovernment organizations and scholars joined Scientologists from throughout Europe to celebrate the second anniversary of the dedication and opening of Churches of Scientology for Europe in Brussels, Belgium.

This unique Scientology Church caters to the spiritual needs of Scientologists throughout Belgium and makes its humanitarian campaigns available to representatives of the 27 member states of the European Union and embassy and consulate staff from 200 nations.

The anniversary celebration was held at the Church’s headquarters at Boulevard de Waterloo 100-103, which was fully restored to its early 20th century elegance for its January 23, 2010, grand opening in the heart of Brussels.

A reception was held in the Church’s Information Center, where guests enjoyed live jazz and browsed through video presentations on the beliefs and practices of the religion and the life and legacy of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. This was followed by a presentation in French and Dutch of accomplishments of the Church over the past two years and its work to unite people of all faiths to tackle critical social problems.

The opening of the Churches of Scientology for Europe is part of a program to open Ideal Scientology Organizations the world over to fulfill L. Ron Hubbard’s vision for the religion. They not only provide the ideal facilities to provide religious services to Scientologists, but they are also designed to serve as a home for the entire community and a meeting ground of cooperative efforts to uplift citizens of all denominations.

Other new Churches opened in recent years include Hamburg, Germany; Sacramento, California; Washington, D.C.; New York, New York; Los Angeles, California; Pasadena, California; Inglewood, California; Seattle, Washington; Tampa, Florida; Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota; Québec City, Canada; Mexico City, Mexico; Moscow, Russia and Melbourne, Australia.

More than 15 new Ideal Organizations are scheduled to open in 2012. For a complete list of new Churches of Scientology, visit

The Scientology religion was founded by author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard. The first Church of Scientology was formed in Los Angeles in 1954 and the religion has expanded to more than 10,000 Churches, Missions and affiliated groups, with millions of members in 167 nations.

Karin Pouw
Phone: (323) 960 3500

Church of Scientology International
6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Phone: 1 323 960 3500



