Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the troubling times of pandemic – Conotoxia experts advise

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No busy shopping malls, no queues before opening a store, instead customers in front of a computer monitor or with a smartphone in hand, browsing through the websites of online merchants from around the world. This is how this year's sales festival may look like. Conotoxia analysts not only wonder if it is safer but also give some advice. Additionally, the fintech's customers can enjoy a promotional offer for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Black Friday, the traditional sales and price cuts day, happens this year on November 27th. In turn, Cyber Monday, the response of the e-commerce industry to the price drops in stationary stores – is on November 30th.

It can be expected that during this period – as every year – sellers will try to convince people to shop, offering unique offers and significant cuts in prices. And since discounts of 20-30% do not make a big impression on anyone today, we will see and hear advertisements talking about discounts of half, or even 70-80%, of the original retail price.

Goods much below their value?

Is it possible that a store would decide to sell the complete product much below its value? "It is probable, but at the same time highly unlikely that we will be able to buy something we really need at such an advantageous price," Conotoxia analysts answer. "Advertising slogans with giant discounts are designed to attract attention. To make sure they are true, a seller can, for example, significantly depreciate a product for which there is no demand anyway, or raise prices earlier, so that the scale of the discount will be more impressive later," analysts explain.

Of course, not all sales are illusionary. On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, one can get products much cheaper than, for instance in December's pre-Christmas gift shopping spree. But how to distinguish real bargains from traps set on customers?

"We shouldn't follow the percentage scale of the discount, but simply check how much the same product costs in other stores. Since this year's hunt for discounts will move to the Internet due to the coronavirus pandemic, the easiest way will be to use price comparison engines and make a quick verification," Conotoxia analysts suggest. "Online shopping can be not only safer but also more advantageous for us. After all, we can choose between offers from all over the world, not only in stores or platforms from the country we live in. It presents a great opportunity for more product choice and lower prices. Also, shopping abroad seems to be even more interesting as we pay less than just three weeks ago for one dollar or euro," they conclude.

An important issue is how we pay for goods purchased abroad. The whole search may be completely in vain if there is a currency conversion at a rate unfavourable to the customer, and we add commissions for currency exchange and transfer of money to another country. One of the solutions to pay and to not overpay is a multi-currency payment card. Such a product is on the offer of, among others. You can order, for example, a virtual version of the card for free to gain access to more than 160 currencies at favourable rates. One should remember that when shopping abroad, the currency most profitable is the one the seller expects.

Can it get even cheaper? YES!

Conotoxia customers, who during Black Friday and Cyber Monday want to do some cross-border shopping or just exchange currency, can use a promotional offer. By entering the code "blackweek" while ordering a transaction, they will receive an even better rate.

The discount code can be used only when the PLN is exchanged for another currency or other currencies for PLN. The promotion started on November 20th and will last until December 31st, 2020.

