Targovax ASA: Settlement of restricted stock units and resolution to increase the share capital
In connection with the publication of the Q2 2018 quarterly financial report, Targovax ASA (the "Company") has completed a settlement period for vested restricted stock units ("RSUs"). The settlement period commenced on 24 August 2018 at 10:00 hours (CET) and ended on 28 August 2018 at 10:00 hours (CET).
1. Settlement of RSUs
In total were 6,581 shares, each with a par value of NOK 0.10, subscribed for following settlement of RSUs.
2. Resolution to increase the share capital in Targovax ASA
In order to facilitate the settlement of RSUs, the Company's board of directors has on 29 August 2018 resolved to increase the share capital of the Company with NOK 658.10 by issuance of 6,581 new shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 0.10. The share capital of the Company is thereby increased from NOK 5,260,986.70 to NOK 5,261,644.80. The resolution is made pursuant to the authorisation granted to the board of directors by the general meeting on 11 April 2018.
The new share capital will be registered with the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises (Nw. Foretaksregisteret) as soon as practically possible.
For further information, please contact:
Erik Digman Wiklund, CFO
Phone: + 47 413 33 536
Email: erik.wiklund@targovax.com