Happy Anniversary Cision!

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Cision Celebrates the 5-Year Anniversary of its Rebranding

It’s hard to believe, but it’s been five years since we changed our name from a breakfast food/star from the movie Footloose – Bacon’s – to Cision.

Back then the Marketing team was working around the clock to make sure every piece of paper, web property and sign had our new name, while IT was furiously changing every application (and we had many back then) to the new Cision logo. It was a crazy time, but we were excited to pull our many brands  – Bacon’s, MediaMap, Multivision, Delahaye, Bowdens (Canada), Romeike (UK) – into the single brand of Cision. And even more exciting was the launch of CisionPoint a short time later.

There were a lot of questions about why we chose the name “Cision.”  First, you should know that almost every word you can think of is already trademarked, so when coming up with a new company name, it either needed to be two words or a made-up word that no one had used. It was no easy task to find a word that works across multiple countries, and where you can find the website domain name available. We went through thousands. One of our favorite contenders in the US was vetoed by our UK office because they said the name sounded too much like the “loo,” which is a British term for the restroom. “Cision” made us think of words like “decision” and “vision,” and in the end we felt it helped us convey that we help PR professionals make smart communication decisions.

There was a little fear on our part launching our new name on April Fool’s Day, but as it turns out, April 1st has always been a lucky day for us. Virtually every April 1st we have a new release of CisionPoint, and this year is no exception with our upcoming launch of our new Search tool.

It’s rare to hear anyone refer to us as “Bacon’s” anymore, although we know there are many people who miss the Bacon’s pig giveaways at our conferences (our Bacon's pig traveled far and wide). Five years have passed and the industry now recognizes us as Cision. Sure, we still have people that can’t pronounce it correctly (in fact, we created an ad around the correct pronunciation!), but we’re so proud of how far we’ve come in the past five years. CisionPoint was also introduced in 2007, and now boasts of over 30,000 users in more than 20 countries. It’s available in nine languages and used by 9 of the top 10 PR agencies. And Cision won five awards! Four CODiEs: 2012 Best Online Business Information Service, 2011 Best Marketing/PR Solution, 2012 Best Social Media Aggregation Service, and 2009 Best Online News Service; and the UK’s 2012 Product Development of the Year Award.

Happy 5 Years Cision!




Quick facts

CisionPoint was introduced in 2007, and now has over 30,000 users in more than 20 countries.
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CisionPoint is available in nine languages and is used by 9 of the top 10 PR agencies.
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