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  • Resolutions by the annual general meeting of Observer AB held on March 29, 2007

Resolutions by the annual general meeting of Observer AB held on March 29, 2007

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Election of the board of directors and the auditor Anders Böös, Per-Eric Fylking, Pia Gideon, Ulf Ivarsson, Peter Leifland and Gunilla von Platen were re-elected as members of the board of directors and Niklas Flyborg and Thomas Heilmann were elected as members of the board of directors. Anders Böös was elected chairman of the board. Maria Lilja had declined re-election.

Ernst & Young, with Bertel Enlund as auditor in charge, was elected as the company’s auditor for the time until the end of the annual general meeting 2011.

A new company name
The company name was changed to Cision AB (publ).

Allocation of the result
It was resolved that the year’s loss of SEK 817,834,425 and retained earnings of SEK 573,121,992, in total SEK -244,712,433, is carried forward.

Reduction of the statutory reserve
The meeting resolved to reduce the statutory reserve with SEK 1,300,000,000 from SEK 1,400,120,136 to SEK 100,120,136. The resolution is conditional upon that the Swedish Companies Registration Office grants its permission.

Principles for remuneration for the management
The meeting resolved to adopt principles for remuneration and other terms of employment for the CEO and the officers of the company reporting to the CEO. The purpose is to offer a reward system that is competitive and on market terms in order to attract and retain qualified employees. The remuneration shall comprise of fixed salary, variable remuneration, pension, long term incentive program (which is described under a separate item below) and other benefits.

The fixed salary shall be a competitive market salary which is renegotiated on a yearly basis. The variable remuneration is paid in the form of a bonus, based on the achievement of financial and personal targets. Senior managers have a target bonus of 30 per cent of the fixed salary, and a maximum bonus of 50 per cent of the fixed salary. For the CEO an exemption is applied during 2007, which implies that the target bonus is 40 per cent of the fixed salary and the maximum bonus is 100 per cent of the fixed salary. Pensions and other benefits shall be on market terms.

The remuneration to the CEO is proposed by the company’s compensation committee, after discussions between the chairman and the CEO, and approved by the board of directors. The remuneration to the management is proposed by the CEO, approved by the compensation committee and reported to the board of directors.

The board of directors shall have the right to deviate from these principles if, in an individual case, there may be reasons for such decision.

Incentive program
The meeting resolved to initiate a performance-related incentive program through issuing not more than 700,000 convertible profit sharing debentures (“convertibles”) to 13 members of the management of the group. The issue price and the nominal value of the convertibles have been determined to 113.3 per cent of the volume weighted average exchange price of the Observer share during the period 27 April – 3 May 2007, corresponding to the market value. The maximum amount of the loan may not exceed SEK 35,000,000. The share capital may be increased by not more than SEK 1,050,000.

Each convertible entitles to one new share in Observer AB. Conversion may be requested during the period 1 April – 30 June 2011. The converting price initially corresponds to the subscription price but may be adjusted downward in case the company fulfills certain financial objectives.

The total number of convertibles corresponds to approximately 0.9 per cent of the share capital and votes on a fully diluted basis.

Authorization to issue new shares
The general meeting authorized the Board to issue new shares. The issue may be effected without preferential rights for the shareholders to subscribe for new shares. The authorization may be utilized on one or more occasions until the next annual general meeting. The reason for the diversion from the preferential rights of the shareholders is that the new shares shall be used to acquire new businesses or companies.

Not more than 4,000,000 shares may be issued, whereby the share capital may be increased with not more than SEK 6,000,000. The board of directors may resolve that a share can be paid in kind or by way of set-off.

Observer Aktiebolag (publ) under change of name to Cision Aktiebolag (publ)


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