Unaudited annual results 2000
Unaudited annual results 2000 * In the year 2000 the core business CityMail International more than doub-led its turnover to 63,3 MSEK (26,6). The operating result in this part amounted to 5,2 MSEK (3,5). * In the fourth quarter of 2000 turnover of CityMail International in- creased to 22.9 MSEK (8.5). The growth compared to the third quarter was 34 percent. * CityMail Group's result for the entire year, including 6 months' op- eration of the divested business area CityMail Sweden, as well as items affec- ting comparability, amounted to - 51.2 MSEK (- 53.6) after the holdings in Real Logistics Sweden were written-down by 96.0 MSEK. * CityMail Group's result of the fourth quarter excluding items affect- ing comparability amounted to 0.7 MSEK (-29.8). CityMail Group AB's structure In 2000 the CityMail Group underwent a fundamental restructuring. The CityMail Group's previous core business, CityMail Sweden - the Swedish distribution operation - was sold to a new company, CityMail Sweden AB. This company is 67 percent owned by Royal Mail and 33 percent owned by CityMail Group. Consequently, the financial risk in the CityMail Group has also been significantly reduced. Royal Mail is entitled to purchase CityMail Group's remaining 33 percent at a later date. In the event this takes place in 2004, the lowest pur- chase price will be MSEK 175. CityMail International, which was founded in 1998, is now CityMail Group's core operation. Other activities within the market for interactive address services and logistics supplement the core business. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT http://www.bit.se The following files are available for download: http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2001/02/07/20010207BIT00990/bit0001.doc The full year-end report http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2001/02/07/20010207BIT00990/bit0002.pdf The full year-end report