America’s Having a Moment…And it’s a Kinky One

Anyone who watched this season’s premier of HBO’s “Mad Men” will have witnessed the S/M power play between Don Draper and his lovely new bride. Keira Knightly’s on-screen spanking in Kronenberg’s “A Dangerous Method” sparked a cavalcade of press. And in the past few weeks it’s been impossible to avoid the story of E L James, the British working mother whose BDSM novel launched her into Hollywood super-stardom, with the #1 selling book in the world and a $5 million movie deal.
Bondage books have been around forever. In 1965 when the first American edition of The Story of O was published, The New York Times called it “a significant event.” Cleis Press has long been publishing literate, scintillating, award-winning bondage and S/M novels.
Carrie’s Story by Molly Weatherfield has gone through almost 20 printings since it’s publication in 1995 and it is number 12 on Playboy’s list of “The 25 Sexiest Novels Ever Written.” A year later, Cleis published Weatherfield’s sequel, Safe Word, with further adventures of the Berkeley PhD who gives up everything to please her master—about which Susie Bright wrote, “My favorite neo-Victorian erotic romance writer…bring on the ponies.”
Rachel Kramer Bussel is a rising star among erotica writers and pundits. She edits New York Magazine’s “Sex Diaries” and is the writer and editor of many collections of erotica. Among her most popular BDSM anthologies are Cleis’ Please, Sir:Erotic Stories of Female Submission and Spanked:Red Cheeked Erotica.
In Alison Tyler’s introduction to her anthology Hurts So Good: Unrestrained Eroticashe writes, “Kink calms me down. It anchors me.” Many thrilling and equally unexpected emotions arise in these stories. Shanna Germain’s collection, Bound by Lust: Romantic Stories of Submission and Sensualitywill be released in early May. Herein you’ll find original, romantic, couples-focused erotica with a BDSM slant. Romance can be a little rough and still have a happy ending.
Many new to this literary openness will be seized by adventurous ambition to perform the tricks described in these delicious tomes. For them we offer The Ultimate Guide to Kink:BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edgeby Tristan Taormino, the first comprehensive BDSM instruction manual published in a generation, released this month.
* * *
All of the authors mentioned here are available to be interviewed and titles are available for excerpting.
Contact Nancy Fish, nfish@cleispress and 510/845-8000 for more information or materials.
An Erotic S/M Novel
By Molly Weatherfield
$13.85, trade paperback original
July, 2002
Molly Weatherfield lives in San Francisco.
An Erotic S/M Novel
By Molly Weatherfield
$14.95, trade paperback original
April, 2003
Erotic Stories of Female Submission
Edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel
$14.95, trade paperback original
May, 2012
Rachel Kramer Bussel lives in New York City. Visit her at
Red-Cheeked Erotica
Edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel
$14.95, trade paperback original
July, 2008
Unrestrained Erotica
Edited by Alison Tyler
$14.95, trade paperback original
October, 2011
Visit Alison Tyler at
Romantic Stories of Submission and Sensuality
Edited by Shanna Germaine
$15.95, trade paperback original
June, 2012
Shanna Germaine lives in Portland, Oregon.
BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge
By Tristan Taormino
$19.95, trade paperback original
March, 2012
Tristan Taormino lives in New York and has been featured in more than 400 publications and appeared on countless TV and radio shows. She lectures at top colleges and universities and teaches sex and relationships around the world.