Duchess of York presents “The Perfect World Foundation Award” to HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco during a charity gala in Sweden

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His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco received a prestigious conservation award from The Perfect World Foundation during the glamorous Arctic Ocean Gala held at the Gothenburg Stock Exchange in Gothenburg, Sweden on May 5. Previous recipients of the conservation award include Sir David Attenborough, Dr. Sylvia Earle, Dr. Jane Goodall, Dr. Wangari Maathai, the late Dr. Dian Fossey, and Miss Greta Thunberg to name a few.

The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson has been the presenter of the award since 2016 as well as global ambassador for The Perfect World Foundation. The award is a Rhino-shaped crystal statue from Kosta Boda and is presented annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the global awareness of the importance of protecting wildlife, nature, and the environment.

Prince Albert II is the ninth recipient of the honorary conservation award and is honored for his life-long commitment, dedication, and work in ocean conservation. Moreover, his personal foundation, Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco (FPA), is dedicated to the protection of the environment and the promotion of sustainable development such as limiting the effects of climate change and promoting renewable energies, preserving biodiversity, managing water resources, and combating desertification.

Prior to the gala and award ceremony, Prince Albert II inaugurated The Perfect World Foundation’s latest project, Project Ocean, which aims to spread knowledge about, the location, salvage, and recycling of ghost nets and other lost fishing equipment in our oceans.

Thereafter, the sovereign prince planted a tree in the Attenborough Forest at the Gothenburg Botanical Garden. The purpose of the planting of the tree is to draw attention to The Perfect World Foundation’s work in promoting biodiversity.

Prince Albert II of Monaco video interview - The Perfect World Foundation Award


Daniel Wilke
Marketing Director