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  • Interim report Q3, 1 September 2008 – 31 May 2009: Continued growth in sales of Cloetta’s products

Interim report Q3, 1 September 2008 – 31 May 2009: Continued growth in sales of Cloetta’s products

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Third quarter sales of Cloetta’s own products rose by 18.6% compared to the same period of last year. For the nine-month period, sales of these products were up by close to 7%.

For the third quarter, Cloetta’s total net sales including Fazer products amounted to SEK 237 million (305). The decrease is a consequence of the termination of Cloetta’s licensed sales agreement with Fazer Confectionery at year-end 2008. Operating profit is reported at SEK –8 million (3), but was SEK 2 million (3) excluding items affecting comparability that are mainly attributable to the separation from Fazer. Net sales for the nine-month period reached SEK 972 million (1,083) and operating profit was SEK 22 million (32), with an operating margin of 2.3% (3.0). Operating profit excluding items affecting comparability was SEK 27 million (54). Profit after tax for the nine-month period was SEK 25 million (24), equal to earnings per share of SEK 1.03 (1.01). “Sales of Cloetta’s prioritised brands have continued to grow and resulted in an increased market share”, says Cloetta’s Managing Director Curt Petri. “The drop in total net sales reflects the termination of Cloetta’s licensed sales agreement with Fazer Confectionery at the end of 2008, which has also had a negative impact on profit. “From an earnings standpoint Cloetta is still feeling the effects of escalating raw material costs, which have risen further in recent months due to weakening of the Swedish krona,” adds Curt Petri. The higher customer prices that were introduced in 2008 have not been sufficient to compensate for the rising cost trend, for which reason additional price hikes have been announced. “In earlier reports, Cloetta has predicted that operating margin for the current year would be negative and that the Group would report a loss. Primarily in view of the strong sales growth for Cloetta’s own products, I now anticipate an operating profit before restructuring charges of close to zero for the full year,” concludes Curt Petri. For further information contact Curt Petri, Managing Director and CEO, mobile +46 70-593 2169, or Kent Sandin, CFO, mobile +46 70-582 7795 The information in this press release is subject to the disclosure requirements of Cloetta AB (publ) pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication on 23 June 2009, 14.02 CET. About Cloetta Founded in 1862, Cloetta is the oldest and only major wholly Swedish confectionery company in the Nordic region. The company’s best known brands are Kexchoklad, Center, Plopp, Polly, Tarragona, Guldnougat, Bridge, Juleskum, Sportlunch and Extra Starka. Cloetta has two production units in Sweden, one in Ljungsbro and one in Alingsås. For the period from 1 September 2007 to 31 August 2008, Cloetta reported pro forma net sales of approximately SEK 930 million. As of 16 February 2009, Cloetta’s class B shares are traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Nordic List. www.cloetta.com


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