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RSPB CARD HELPS THE BITTERN SURVIVE IN BRITAIN Credit cardholders heartened by the news that the Bittern, one of Britain's rarest birds, has been spotted four miles from central London, can directly help the endangered species by taking out an RSPB credit card. Since 1997 The Co-operative Bank has been working with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) as species champion for the bittern, which has a population of just 13 territorial males in the UK. All proceeds from the RSPB credit card go to the charity's Wetlands in Danger project The RSPB receives £18 for each of its cards taken out with The Co- operative Bank. This is followed by a further £2.50 if the card is still being used after six months and the charity receives 25p for every £100 spent on the card. Anyone taking out a card can transfer existing credit or store card debt and pay it off at just 5.9 per cent per annum until 30 June, 2002. After that the rate reverts to a variable rate of 17.9 per cent per annum, 16.5 per cent APR. The RSPB is committed to putting every effort into creating and restoring more nesting and feeding grounds for declining species and into managing wetlands effectively for wildlife. It costs £20,000 a year to maintain 100 hectares of reedbed. Up to £60,000 to create the 20 hectares of rich reedbed needed to provide a breeding territory for a male bittern. For further information contact: 16 January 2002 Dave Smith/Paul Lawler The Co-operative Bank Press Office Tel: 0161 829 5091 Fax: 0161 839 4220 e-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: